April 15, 22, 29 + May 6, 7-10 PM
520 8th Ave, 3rd Floor

Early Bird $100 (By March 15)
Regular $125 (After March 15)
Audit $50


Feb 6 7-10 PM
New Georges Room, 520 8th Ave, 3rd Floor
Regular Rate $25

Email Jaclyn.biskup@gmail.com to sign up!


Email: Jaclyn.Biskup@gmail.com
Use the form below or email me directly to sign up for the class


Scene Study


This is a scene study class for women+* designed to allow you to sink your teeth into exciting, complex, characters written for women+ by women+ in an empowered, inclusive, and affordable environment!

Tired of being pigeonholed into an overly simplistic type?
Feeling frustrated that directors hamper your agency in the rehearsal process?
Bored of playing supporting roles, stereotypes, and cliches?

In this class you will --

-- Stretch your acting muscle with exciting complex material
-- Hone your craft in a feminist and empowered environment
-- Work with, meet, and connect with like-minded artists with similar values and goals
-- Work on scenes and monologues written for women+ by women+
-- Be introduced to new plays, scenes, and monologues all written by women+ writers
-- Benefit from the collective wisdom and shared experiences of your fellow classmates.

*This class is for all cis and trans women, as well as non-binary people who are comfortable in a space that centres the experience of women

The growing list of writers featured in this course includes Johanna Adams, Tanya Barfield, Clare Barron, Alice Birch, Sheila Callaghan, Caryl Churchill, Kara Lee Corthron, Cayenne Douglass, Halley Feiffer, Selina Fillinger, María Irene Fornés, Kate Gersten, Madeline George, Rebecca Gilman, Gina Gionfriddo, Lauren Gunderson, Leslye Headland, Naomi Iizuka, Sarah Kane, Stephanie Kyung Sun Walters, Ellen McLaughlin, Erin Mallon, Mona Mansour, Anna Moench, Dominique Morisseau, Janine Nabers, Dianne Nora, Lynn Nottage, Suzan Lori Parks, Theresa Rebeck, Sarah Ruhl, Jen Silverman, Nandita Shenoy, Diana Son, Caridad Svich, Kate Tarker, Sarah Treem, Paula Vogel, Catherine Weingarten, and others.

This class is open to all levels.

Please don’t hesitate to email me with questions at jaclyn.biskup@gmail.com and to sign up!

Monologue Intensive.jpg


Sharpen your piece for an upcoming audition

In this 3-hour workshop we will be working on our feet.
Craft your pieces using a director's eye so you can create a
specific, engaging, and dynamic performance which showcases your best self.

Enrollment is very limited so everyone will receive individual
coaching on his/her monologue. (Limit 12)

This is an all gender class


Jaclyn Biskup is a director and producer working in theatre, television, and film and is passionately devoted to equity, diversity, and inclusion. She is the recipient of an Emmy nomination and was a Peabody finalist for her work on the digital series, THE SECRET LIFE OF MUSLIMS, and currently works as the associate artistic director at The Brick Theater. She was the assistant director to Tony Award winner Anna Shapiro on the Broadway debut of THE MINUTES (Tracy Letts) and STRAIGHT WHITE MEN (Young Jean Lee).

You don't have to do it alone.  So why are you?

Everyone knows the hardest part of being an actor is auditioning for roles. Give yourself the help you need to stand out at every audition, get the call back, and book the role.

Private Coaching/Scene Study

Email me at Jaclyn.Biskup@gmail.com for my rates. 

Monologue Coaching

Perfect your monologue. From entering the room through the end of your piece we will craft every moment to create a dynamic engaging experience that will get you that callback. Eliminate your nerves and other common mistakes actors make. Leave our session with confidence and information that you can apply to upcoming and future auditions.

New Client Callback Prep

If you've never used a coach before, for a callback, this is your opportunity to try it out. I will work with you to create a callback strategy that will guarantee your best performance at the callback. Actors I have coached have gotten cast based on these techniques. Last minute bookings can generally be accommodated. 

New Client Material Selection package

We will meet in person or via Skype so that I can get to know you and assess what material will work best for your type. I will then select 3 monologues for you to choose from. After you receive the material we will set up a coaching session so that you can perfect your favorite one.

Cold Reading and Monologue Preparation


I believe that every actor can excel at auditioning. The key to success is preparation and confidence. I provide audition coaching from the point of view of a director who has seen hundreds of auditions. Together we will make your performance specific and engaging. I tailor each session to your individual needs. Together we will create a performance that gets their attention and showcases the best possible you.

Areas addressed can include:

  • Material selection

  • Side Prep: Text Analysis, Tactics, etc.

  • Resume review

  • Creating a good first impression

  • Directing and coaching your performance

  • Assessing strengths and weaknesses

I will always give you an honest opinion about what is working and what needs improvement. 

Material selection: I will help you choose a monologue that is right for you and the role that you are auditioning for. I will help you assess your type and strategize to show off the best possible you at your audition.  The fee for material selection is 1 coaching hour. 

Side Prep: Fewer and fewer auditions rely on monologues. Often, you are given sides to prep in advance for an audition or a callback. I will help you analyze the text and make active dynamic choices. I will rehearse with you so that you can be prepared for anything in the audition.  We will review the material together and create a strategy for showing the auditors exactly what they need to see in order for you to get the part.

Creating a good first impression: I will go over the basics of audition practices. How to enter the room with confidence, slate correctly, and begin and end your monologue. I will help answer questions on what you should wear and what behaviors instantly "turn-off" an auditor.

Directing and coaching your performance: When you work with me you get a director and a coach in one. That means not only will I provide expert text analysis to help you get to the heart of the scene or monologue. I will direct it for you. So each time you perform you will be telling a complete story. I will help you create a structure for your performance, so even on those dreaded  "off" days you can still go into an audition and nail your performance. I will also be coaching you to create the most dynamic memorable acting performance possible.  

Assessing Strengths and weaknesses: I will provide you with an honest assessment of what is working and what you still need to work on.  

When you audition, I want you to forget about the fact that it's an audition. Be confident in yourself, your ability, and the story that you are telling. In a coaching session I try to direct a repeatable performance that tells a story. I create a roadmap for you that you can take into any audition and feel confident about. I try to get you away from assessing and judging yourself in an audition and instead viewing your audition as a showcase for yourself. 


Q. How should I prepare to work with you?

A. The best bang for your buck is to come to a coaching session with at least one fully memorized piece. 

Q. How much time do I need?

A. If you are fully memorized, we can get your monologue audition ready in an hour. 

Q. Can I work on more than one piece in an hour?

A. Of course, how we spend your time is up to you, but I would recommend one piece in an hour long session. If you would like to do 2 pieces, we should work for at least 90 minutes.

Q. I'm having trouble deciding between a few monologues, which should I pick?

A. Pick the one you enjoy performing the most. Or, bring a couple in and we can pick which one showcases you best.  Again, I recommend you have all pieces memorized. 

Q. I am having trouble finding a monologue, can you help me?

A. Yes, I am happy to help you find material.  The cost of this is the same as 1 coaching hour. 


  • All fees must be paid in advance

  • 48 hours notice must be given in order to cancel and reschedule any appointment

  • No refunds will be given for appointments canceled with less then 48 hours notice

  • Sessions will be held in Manhattan or Online